"What is an Au Pair" Episode 1: Lara from Germany

"What is an Au Pair" Episode 1: Lara from Germany

AuPairCare has launched a new podcast titled "What is an Au Pair?"

In this series, we will dive deep into life in the au pair program through the eyes of our participants, with interviews from host families and au pairs alike. Listen to our guests talk about their experiences, the role, and responsibilities of being an au pair, creating cultural exchange moments, and the life-changing benefits that the au pair program provides for both au pairs and host families. Whether you are thinking about becoming a host family or want to learn more about becoming an au pair, this podcast will provide essential insights and give you perspectives from real-life experiences to help you understand the amazing world of this great cultural exchange program

“What is an Au Pair" podcast is available for streaming on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube.


One of the many amazing benefits of being an au pair is that the experience changes the lives of our participants and equips them with skills that can help transform their future. We could not think of a better way to kick off the podcast than by talking to an AuPairCare alumni, Lara, to learn about her story of the transformative experience she had as an au pair in California.  

Picture of a girl smiling next to a green background with white text that describes the first time she dreamed in English.

Meet Lara, one of our amazing program alumni from Germany whose year-long experience in the United States in the au pair program not only enriched her life but also transformed her career path upon returning home. While she was visiting her host family over the summer, we received the opportunity to dive into Lara's journey—from her initial days as an au pair to discovering and experiencing new cultures to her newfound career path as an occupational therapist. Through Lara's eyes, we explore the profound impact of the au pair program, the joy of cultural exchange, and the life-changing relationships formed along the way.  

Selecting a Host Family  

For an au pair, matching with the right host family can be one of the biggest decisions you make. When matching, Lara explained how important it is for au pairs to know what they want to get out of their year abroad and to try and find a family that aligns with their lifestyle. “I had a little notebook because I am German; of course, I have a list. I asked them all the questions, and they checked all the boxes for me. I was picturing myself with their family, sharing meals together, laughing, talking, taking care of the kids, hanging out with everyone, and just having this feeling of being a part of the family. For me, it was important that they are social, do fun things as a family, and want me to be a part of that. It was also important for me to have an active family that worked out and was active.”  

A part of the matching process is about your interviews. This is where you talk to your potential host family and get to know who they are, allowing them to get to know you. “After the first time I spoke to my host family, I already had a good gut feeling. I think you should always trust that feeling. I was excited. I had interviews with other families, which went fine, but I did not have the same feeling. And that is how I made my choice; it just felt right.”  

Lara’s Story: A Journey Begins  

Lara's journey as an au pair started with a deep desire to travel and experience life and other cultures beyond her hometown in Germany. Like many students in Europe, Lara decided to take a gap year between high school and college. During this time, they travel abroad to experience new cultures and to get a sense of what is in store for them in the future. Lara told us, “I heard about so many people changing their careers after the gap year. I thought I should do that and see if it would influence my career path.

She was 18 when she graduated high school when she decided to take her gap year. Inspired by her love for children, early babysitting experiences, and a desire to make new connections and relationships along the way, Lara knew that the au pair program would be the right fit for her. “I knew before I graduated that I really wanted to travel, but I did not feel comfortable doing it all on my own. Then I remembered hearing about the au pair program while in the 10th grade, and I knew it was something I wanted to do. I wanted to experience a second family and see the children grow up. It all just sounded so awesome.”  

That same year, Lara flew to the United States to begin her au pair journey. Lara’s first week in the U.S. was a mix of nerves and excitement. Upon landing in California, she was welcomed by her host family, the Sinclairs. Despite initial jitters, Lara quickly adapted to her new home by engaging with her host family and participating in daily activities with them. “After my first night, the experience became better and better. It is good to get out there and talk to them. It is the best way to easily adjust to the family when you are always around them; even after you are off, that is how you start to feel at home quickly.”  

Embracing Challenges and Celebrating Growth  

As she settled into her au pair life, her experience caring for her two host children led to a life-changing realization for Lara. It was discovered that one of her host children, Hartleigh, had muscular difficulties with her right arm, requiring physical therapy. “She had a lot of physical therapy during that time, and I was able to be a part of that. It was amazing to see that because therapists came to our home, I would sometimes help them some. It was great to see the progress that she made with her right arm and to watch her continue to grow up.”  

Witnessing Hartleigh’s progress, particularly in her right arm's mobility, was incredibly rewarding. It was Lara’s involvement in these sessions that sparked her interest in occupational therapy, a field she had never considered before. “Being a part of her therapy was inspiring to me. I did more research on becoming an occupational therapist, and I decided to become an OT because it is more for children, and my experience with children as an au pair helped prepare me for the job. I am so happy that I did it because I love my new job.”  

Growing Her English Skills  

An attractive aspect of the au pair program for many young people from around the world is the ability to grow their English skills with native speakers. Lara recounts how she felt about having to make the sudden switch from German to English the moment she met her host family in California. “I remember how weird it was to suddenly, speak English. That was a big adjustment to think, okay, now I need to start to figure out how to express myself in English. And one thing I did not know how to say at the beginning was, I am getting used to it, which is something you need.”

Like many others who have learned a language, practice makes perfect! As each month passed in the United States, Lara began to feel more confident and became more advanced in her English-speaking abilities. “I think in the first six months, you feel like your English is not progressing, even though it is progressing a lot. You do not feel like it does because there is still more to learn, but it gets better! I remember the first time I had a dream in English, and I woke up and thought, whoa, I am here now, you know, it is starting to come together.”  

Creating Cultural Exchange  

A frequently asked question about the au pair program is: "Why should a family consider getting an au pair?" One of the many amazing benefits of having an au pair is the aspect of cultural exchange in your home. Lara recalls her first American cultural experience the day she arrived. “When I was picked up from the airport, I kept thinking, Kaitlin’s car is huge! And the roads are huge! Though once I started driving, I realized it was easier than driving in Germany.”  

As an au pair, Lara loved to exchange her German culture with her host family through food. "One night, I made German pizza. In my country, it is called flammkuchen. They were skeptical at first because it is a thin dough, and you put creme fraiche, freshly sliced onions, and sliced bacon on it, and then you bake it. And my host parents said, “There's no cheese on the pizza.” Despite initial hesitations on whether the kids would like it, the German pizza was a success. Now, every time Lara comes to visit, they make German pizza together.  


Lara’s story is a testament to the transformative power that the au pair program can have on the lives of both au pairs and host families. It is a journey of personal growth, cultural exchange, and unexpected discoveries. For families considering an au pair, Lara’s experience highlights the profound impact an au pair can have—an au pair is more than affordable childcare, they are a cherished member of the family who brings the world into your home.  

As Lara continues her career in occupational therapy, she carries with her the memories and the relationships formed during her time as an au pair. Her journey as an au pair from Germany in the USA is a shining example of how taking a leap of faith can lead to unimaginable rewards.  

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