Au Pair Quiz

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Au Pair Match Quiz

Which Hollywood American family is a good match for your personality?
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Host Family Match

Home Alone, The McCallister Family

Meet the McCallister family. This classic suburban American family with five children has chaotic yet endearing family dynamics. If you like a busy yet loving household, this family is for you.

Host Family Match

Meet the Parents, The Byrnes Family

Meet the Byrnes family. Jack Byrnes is an overprotective former CIA agent who runs an orderly household. If you like routine and order, this family is for you.

Host Family Match

The Simpsons Family

Meet the Simpsons family. This simple, middle-class American family does not take life seriously and is social within their community. If you like simple and laid back, this family is for you.

Host Family Match

The Addams Family

Meet the Addams family. They are a tight-knit family that uniquely stands out from the crowd for being different. If you like diversity and weirdness, this family is for you.

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The quiz on this page is provided for educational purposes only and designed to provide general guidance and estimates. The results are estimates based on information you provide, public statistical records, national averages, and available information, and may not reflect actual results. Actual matches will vary. The results of the quiz are not a promise or guarantee of a customer’s eligibility or terms for a specific product or service. AuPairCare is not responsible for the content, results, or accuracy of the information on the quiz.

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