Hear from four au pairs who loved their experience being an au pair so much, they decided to do it all over again!
Hear from four au pairs who loved their experience being an au pair so much, they decided to do it all over again!
The Cammilleri family expanded from one to two children, their South African au pair Lee was invaluable to that transition process not only for her host child but for her host mom.
The Cammilleri family expanded from one to two children, their South African au pair Lee was invaluable to that transition process not only for her host child but for her host mom.
What Serbian au pair Valentina has brought to her Iowa family is a beautiful heart that shines through in her every action. Her host family is happy to have her!
What Serbian au pair Valentina has brought to her Iowa family is a beautiful heart that shines through in her every action. Her host family is happy to have her!
Hetty, a German au pair living with a host family in California, makes her host children feel confident, happy, safe, and loved. Learn why the Saul family is grateful she joined their family
Hetty, a German au pair living with a host family in California, makes her host children feel confident, happy, safe, and loved. Learn why the Saul family is grateful she joined their family
Meet Swedish au pair Michaela- she's spent a total of 4 years with her host family in Colorado! Read Michaela's story, told by her host mom.
Meet Swedish au pair Michaela- she's spent a total of 4 years with her host family in Colorado! Read Michaela's story, told by her host mom.
Meet au pair Emelie from Sweden! Emelie lives in the greater San Francisco Bay Area with her host family, where she cares for their baby and 14-year-old.
Meet au pair Emelie from Sweden! Emelie lives in the greater San Francisco Bay Area with her host family, where she cares for their baby and 14-year-old.
Congratulations to our three 2015 Ultimate Host Moms! Read why these au pairs think their host moms are the best!
Congratulations to our three 2015 Ultimate Host Moms! Read why these au pairs think their host moms are the best!
Au Pair Carina came to the U.S. from South Africa hoping to find adventure, and she hasn't been disappointed! Read about her amazing experience so far.
Au Pair Carina came to the U.S. from South Africa hoping to find adventure, and she hasn't been disappointed! Read about her amazing experience so far.
Au pair Chenae from South Africa lives in Washington DC with her host family and by the end of her placement, will have been with them for 2 full years!
Au pair Chenae from South Africa lives in Washington DC with her host family and by the end of her placement, will have been with them for 2 full years!
AuPairCare Au Pair Lea from Germany has lived with her host family in Michigan since August 2013. Hear from her host mom on why they adore one another.
AuPairCare Au Pair Lea from Germany has lived with her host family in Michigan since August 2013. Hear from her host mom on why they adore one another.