AuPairCare Gives Back Across the Country

AuPairCare Gives Back Across the Country

AuPairCare is so proud of the au pairs in our program and their commitment to giving back in their adopted community! See how clusters in New York, Washington and Maryland gave back this past November.

Maryland Au Pairs at Nourish Now

This past Thanksgiving several Maryland au pairs gathered with their Area Director Michelle at the White Oak Community Center to support Nourish Now, a local charity that collects surplus fresh food for Montgomery County families in need.

AuPairCare au pairs first helped the organization by sorting, bagging, and boxing meals for families. They then continued their day of service by welcoming families, handing out meals, and carrying meals to cars. Our au pairs did a wonderful job and Nourish Now was extremely appreciative of their support.

The day was filled with grateful smiles and warm handshakes as families streamed into the community center to pick up their Thanksgiving Day dinners. As the day ended, the au pairs asked if as a cluster they could participate in more volunteer opportunities. They all said they actively volunteer in their home countries and thoroughly enjoyed giving back to the community that has so warmly welcomed all of them here in the U.S.


Westchester Au Pairs and Larchmont-Mamaroneck Hunger Task Force

Westchester is a wonderful community that is home to people of many age, economic and ethnic groups. Recently local au pairs and their Area Director Barbara joined up with other volunteers to collect Thanksgiving holiday food items at local supermarkets over the weekend and then helped sort the items and divide them in bags to hand out to families in need.  

Through the Larchmont-Mamaroneck Hunger Task Force, hungry people across the community facing difficult circumstances were able to receive meals for the holiday.

The au pairs volunteered in the spirit of an American Thanksgiving Holiday, but many were so touched by the experience they committed to volunteering at The Food Bank on a more regular basis.


Issaquah Au Pairs Knit for Eastside Baby Corner

Over 20 au pairs in Washington State celebrated the holidays at their Area Director Ashley's house with brunch and blanket making to benefit the Eastside Baby Corner. EBC as it is called, was founded to provide for area babies beginning their lives without adequate food, clothing, beds or safety equipment.

Together, the group made five beautiful twin-size no-sew fleece blankets to donate to children in need.


The au pairs in our program are committed to this wonderful cultural exchange program and experiencing all they can in their adopted communities.  Au pairs, if you have more stories to share please be sure to  let your Area Director know!

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