We reached out to our Au Pairs and asked them to share why they felt their host mom deserved the title of AuPairCare's Ultimate Host Mom! Danish Au pair Cecilie, wrote this amazing essay about her host mom Summer!
We reached out to our Au Pairs and asked them to share why they felt their host mom deserved the title of AuPairCare's Ultimate Host Mom! Danish Au pair Cecilie, wrote this amazing essay about her host mom Summer!
We loved the creative spin one of our host families took when nominating their Polish Au Pair Daniel as AuPairCare's Ultimate Au Pair.
We loved the creative spin one of our host families took when nominating their Polish Au Pair Daniel as AuPairCare's Ultimate Au Pair.
Deciding to extend your au pair year can be a difficult decision, but for Taila from Brazi, it was certainly the right one. Read Taila's story in her own words below!
Deciding to extend your au pair year can be a difficult decision, but for Taila from Brazi, it was certainly the right one. Read Taila's story in her own words below!
At AuPairCare, we understand that learning a new language is at the heart of many cultural exchange experiences.
At AuPairCare, we understand that learning a new language is at the heart of many cultural exchange experiences.
This article was originally published in the Lifestyle section of the local Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania newspaper, Citizen’s Voice.
This article was originally published in the Lifestyle section of the local Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania newspaper, Citizen’s Voice.
"Dih was the answer to our prayers". From the first responder McKinney family, the pandemic brought new challenges for their growing family that their au pair, Edilaine, akaDih,handled with ease. Says host mom Carrie, "Dih is an incredible role model and amazing woman."
"Dih was the answer to our prayers". From the first responder McKinney family, the pandemic brought new challenges for their growing family that their au pair, Edilaine, akaDih,handled with ease. Says host mom Carrie, "Dih is an incredible role model and amazing woman."