Meet The Sinclair Family

Meet The Sinclair Family

To discover how this program has been life-changing for participants, we spoke to the Sinclair family in Davis, California, who have discovered over the years that hosting an au pair has brought significant benefits to their home life and the care of their four daughters. Take a closer look at the Sinclair family’s story and discover how the au pair program can be a childcare solution for your family. 

Overall Flexibility and Consistency 

For many in the program, having an au pair means adding more flexibility to their day and gaining back precious time. We asked AuPairCare host parents, Kaitlin and Chris, Tell us about the flexibility of your life before having an au pair. Host Mom Kaitlin said, “With our nannies, being on time and reliable was a challenge. And it was almost like a second full-time job, scheduling the different nannies to take care of our girls. I think it was definitely challenging that both Chris and I work full time. We've got four girls running around. There are sports; there is just a lot going on.” 

Chris said, “Daycare would be open from 7:30 to 5, but with our au pair, you can schedule the time throughout the whole week. The program gives you so much more flexibility. Sometimes we have work engagements before 7:30 or after 5, so it just gives you flexibility, not only in your personal life but also in your working life.” 

au pair playing with kids

Emotional Bonds and Family Integration 

From talking to the Sinclair family and many others in the program, we hear that when you welcome an au pair into your home, they become more than just caregivers; they integrate into your family, forming deep emotional bonds with all members. “Our au pair is a part of our family. She eats dinner with us, we do activities together, and she's a part of our daily schedule and lives.” 

The Sinclair children have developed deep connections with their au pairs. “Having an au pair is way more than just a childcare solution. When our first au pair left, the older girls were very emotional; they literally had to be pulled away from her. That bond is something more than just having someone watch our children; it was a part of our family.” 

Cultural Exchange & Educational Benefits  

One of the unique benefits of the au pair program is it is also a cultural exchange program. As families and au pairs spend time together, they also exchange one another's culture. Both parents reflect how each au pair has brought a unique cultural background, enriching the family's daily life through food, language, and traditions. “The most common way we share culture is with food. With our au pairs, it's always fun to hear what dishes the au pairs enjoy that I make, and we do a little bit of an exchange.”  

Our first au pair would always make German pizza, which was amazing. Our Brazilian au pair made feijoada, and our current au pair from Argentina makes delicious empanadas.”  

Beyond food, her family gets to experience their au pair's culture through language. Having an au pair in the house contributes significantly to children's cultural understanding and education, especially when it comes to learning new languages. So far, the Sinclair children have had the opportunity to be exposed to German, Portuguese, and Spanish. “Our daughter is currently in a Spanish immersion school, so it's been really fun for her to speak Spanish with our current au pair. It's fantastic for me because she helps my kindergartener with her Spanish homework already since neither Chris nor I speak Spanish yet. It's fantastic to have someone that can actually help with kindergarten homework.”  

au pair reading with kids

Finding the Right Au Pair 

I heard about the au pair program through some friends, and there's a really big au pair community in Davis, California. After hearing their stories, we started to evaluate an au pair vs. a nanny and saw that the au pair cost was affordable. I continued to hear from some other friends of mine about just how great it was in terms of the flexibility, and the cultural exchange within the house was a plus. It was all appealing for Chris and me."  

Their experience with the initial process of finding an au pair seemed a bit daunting at first, but once they got started with AuPairCare, the Sinclairs found it to be straightforward and easy. Chris admitted, “The process of finding an au pair was a little frightening at first. The idea of a stranger living with you and being part of your family was intimidating. But our first au pair quickly became part of the family, and now we couldn't imagine it any other way.”  

Kaitlin added, “The process with AuPairCare was simple with their online portal. We reviewed different qualifications, watched their videos, and scheduled interviews. It was quick and straightforward, and we've been happy with all our au pairs.”

the Sinclair family

Start Your Au Pair Journey Today

The au pair program has helped the Sinclair family find balance and flexibility in their busy lives. If you are struggling to find the best childcare that fits your family's needs, consider joining the au pair program to find flexible, affordable childcare that meets your needs.  

The Sinclair family's journey with the au pair program demonstrates the many different benefits that having an au pair can bring to your household. From increased flexibility and linguistic educational experiences to creating family bonds, the au pair program offers a tailored and in-house option for your childcare needs. The cultural exchange aspect introduces children to diverse perspectives and traditions, fostering a more inclusive and globally aware mindset. This enriching experience is complemented by the practical support the au pair provides, making everyday life more manageable for busy parents.  

Contact us to find out more about our award-winning program and get information on how an au pair can become an integral part of your family's dynamic. 

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